Rules for living ?????
Erin Manning interview: senselabs-radically-open-research-culture/
“How can we create opportunities for more complex ways of learning that include those modes that don’t look like neuro-typical forms of lear- ning?”
“We try for a radical openness, but it’s hard because there are no rules to go by. You build an ethics. That’s what it’s about.”

99 Theses on the Revaluation of Value
Brian Massumi
It is time to take back value. For many, value has long been dismissed as a concept so thoroughly compromi sed, so soaked in normative strictures and stained by complicity with capitalist power, as to be unredeema ble. This has only abandoned value to purveyors of
normativity and apologists of economic
oppression. Value is too valuable to be left in those hands.”