
(taken from the Five Precepts in buddhism)
- Refrain from harming living beings
- Refrain from taking that which is not freely given
- Refrain from wrong speech; such as lying, idle chatter, malicious gossip or harsh speech

(taken from Coreta Kent)
- 9: Be happy whenever you can manage it. Enjoy yourself. It’s lighter than you think.
- Know where the products you use come from.
- Ask permission to take what you need
- When harvesting: take what you need but never more than half
- Approach every living being with openness and trust
- Share
- Take a moment every day to focus your attention inwards. What do you need?
- Figure out how to ‘heal yourself’
- Heal yourself when in pain
- Always speak your mind
- All living beings are equal
- ‘What we give our attention to, grows.’ Kenneth H. Blanchard.
- Allow space and time to grieve and mourn
- Death is a part of life.
- Initiate the change you want to take place.
- Don’t wash away your dirt/shit/results/… with fresh drinking water.
- Don’t look away